Hobonichi created a techo cover inspired by the TV animation series “SPY x FAMILY,” in which a distinguished spy, a telepath, an assassin, and a future-predicting dog spend their days as a temporary family.
At first glance, it is a simple and classy techo cover. The navy trifold provides good protection for your important techo.
On the closure of the cover shines the gold school badge of the prestigious Eden Academy, which Anya attends.
The inner cover features a look of Anya from the back, as she appeared at the end of the TV animation. The center where Anya stands is hidden when the techo is set in place, but it would make you feel charmed just to know that she is there.
On the left side pocket are debossed items inspired by the three family members, such as Loid’s lapel pin, Anya’s soundless pistol, and the decoration on Yor’s headband.
The “SPY x FAMILY” TV animation logo is foil-pressed in gold on the right side pocket.
Color: Black
Material: PU, polyester
Feature 1: The cover is made smooth to the touch
Feature 2: Two bookmark stripes to keep your place in two parts of your book
Feature 3: The trifold cover’s opening flap is accented with a gold-colored button shaped like the gold school badge of the prestigious Eden Academy, which Anya attends.
Feature 4: Light weight and versatile to use in all settings
Size: H: 230 x W: 447 x T: 4 mm / H: 9.1" x W: 17.6" x T: 0.2"
Weight: 151g
*This cover fits an A5 size Hobonichi Techo book
*Specifications may vary slightly
* Planner is sold separately