Hobonichi created a Weeks book using illustrations by illustrator Yumi Kitagishi, who’s artwork has made waves all over the world.
The world in Kitagishi’s acrylic gouache paintings evoke lovely, warm feelings of gazing at an enchanting picture book.
The theme of this Weeks book is Beautiful Wallpaper. We rearranged this artwork from some dollhouse wallpaper that Kitagishi designed. How amazing would it be to spend time in a room covered in this wallpaper? Being able to envision something like that is what makes this romantic and gentle-looking cover such a joy to use.
The design is lined with things like fancy gloves, puppies on cakes, birds making a heart shape, beautiful pink and yellow roses, and more. These fairytale motifs are lined up along vertical stripes.
Language: ENGLISH
Main material: Rayon / Paper
Paper type: Sanzen Tomoe River Paper
Number of grid paper memo pages: 73 pages
Total pages: 240 pages
Graph paper size: 3.55mm
Start of week: MONDAY
Yearly calendar: 2024, 2025, 2026
Yearly Index: Jan. - Dec. 2025 (2 pages)
Monthly calendar: Dec. 2024 - Mar. 2026 (32 pages)
Weekly calendar: Nov. 25, 2024 - Jan. 4, 2026 (116 pages)
Bonus pages: Shorthand Note-Taking / Using Common Items to Measure Size / Favorites / My 100 / Sample Symbols and Icons / Oodles of Noodles / 365 Days Check-Off Sheet / Addresses / Personal Notes
Include: a clear, adhesive corner pocket
Compatible with a Weeks Cover
Size: H: 186 x W: 95 x T: 10 mm / H: 7.3" x W: 3.7" x T: 0.4"
Weight: Approx. 140g