In the smash-hit manga One Piece, Straw Hat Luffy goes on an adventure with his friends in search of “the One Piece,” a legendary treasure. ONE PIECE magazine dives into the charms of the hit manga series in order to help fans further enjoy the world of One Piece. We have a special collaboration with ONE PIECE magazine.
A logbook is a record of events during the voyage of a ship. With this techo cover, you can write a logbook for your own life under the protection of the Thousand Sunny ship that carries Luffy and his pirates on their adventures.
The cover’s natural leather deepens in color and character over continued use, so the cover also turns into your own one-of-a-kind item as you treasure it over time.
The trifold cover’s opening flap is accented with a gold-colored button shaped like the face on the Thousand Sunny ship.
Color: Beige
Material: Cow leather, polyester
Feature 1: The cover’s natural leather deepens in color and character over continued use
Feature 2: Two bookmark stripes to keep your place in two parts of your book
Feature 3: The trifold cover’s opening flap is accented with a gold-colored button shaped like the face on the Thousand Sunny ship
Feature 4: Light weight and versatile to use in all settings
Size: H: 165 x W: 244 x T: 3 mm / H: 6.5″ x W: 9.6″ x T: 0.1″
Weight: 140g
*This cover fits an A6 size Hobonichi Techo book
*Specifications may vary slightly
* Planner is sold separately